Oct 25, 2011 | Small Business Marketing
Here are some of the best blog posts from the week of October 16- 22. It has been really great to read everyone’s Ultimate Blog Challenge posts this week. I am so impressed that everyone is still cranking away toward getting 30 posts done by October 31. You’ll notice that I’m playing a bit of catch up too.
Oct 9, 2011 | Small Business Marketing
Great posts on productivity, business success, social media and quotes you can use from the Ultimate Blog Challenge.
Oct 1, 2011 | Small Business Marketing
Have you signed up for the Ultimate Blog Challenge yet? With all the changes constantly happening in social media (just in the past week we’ve had major changes on Facebook and Google+ went public), it is more important than ever to “tend to your own garden” and concentrate on the things you do control. Creating quality content on your blog is always a winning strategy no matter what is happening with your favorite social media tools.