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“A person who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.”

Decisive Minds is for entrepreneurs who aren’t scared of rolling up their sleeves and getting to work.

We will never sugarcoat things. We tell it like it is because we work with clients who take decisive action.  They want to be told what works and what doesn’t work.

With a detailed and actionable approach to building business at Decisive Minds we show you the strategies used in online and offline marketing, pricing, revenue projection, sales, team building and much more. The strategies in the “Decisive Minds Business Building Method” are used to build businesses that make a difference and leave a lasting legacy.

Building a business is work and REAL entrepreneurs aren’t scared of  real work.

Dear Committed Entrepreneur,

I love this quote:

It's better to be boldly decisive and risk being wrong than to agonize at length and be right too late.” -Author Unknown

Hi! My name is Michele (Scism) Mere. I am a business consultant and I am the founder of Decisive Minds.

As a third-generation entrepreneur my beliefs are strong:

  • Treat all people, whether they are customers, employees, friends or family with respect.
  • Going the extra mile is a way of life that is not to be questioned.
  • Customer service is your word.
  • People appreciate a firm handshake (even from a woman) and for someone to look them in the eyes when they are speaking.
  • Bad things happen in life but how you respond to those things is your choice. (My kids are really tired of hearing that one)
  • We learn from failure and I have done my share of learning.
  • Success is attainable by all that are willing to keep going until they reach it. My expectations are high when it comes to life and business.
  • God gave us two ears and only one mouth for a reason. People want you to listen to them and hear what they are saying.

I want to share a personal story with you. A story which will shed some light onto why we are so committed to entrepreneurs and their success.

In June of 2014, my father had an accident and passed away unexpectedly at the age of 72. He was the definition of a serial entrepreneur and I was blessed to spend a lifetime at the coattails of his brilliance (although there were times I didn't think I was blessed). A lot of the time what my dad touched turned to gold. And that’s the image people have of the successful entrepreneur, someone who makes all the right moves, at all the right times.

That simply isn’t true.

Even Steve Jobs got fired.

Richard Branson had to buy back his company at one point.

Business is a messy challenging journey, and there is no road map.

Over the years I watched my dad pull off what I considered to be miracles in business – times when we were on the edge of losing everything, and then he would do what real entrepreneurs do best – dig deep, get creative, and pull off what seemed to be “a miracle.”

But they weren’t miracles, they were thought out, strategic plans. I worked by his side for most of my life but it was not until his death that I became acutely aware of how we built businesses that could withstand the test of time. He knew. But I didn’t. His wisdom was pragmatic.

“You don't own a REAL business unless you can go on vacation and it still makes money.” I would hear that one every year as we climbed into our RV to travel the country on family vacations.

When he passed away, I listened in amazement as person after person walked up to me and said “Your dad gave me my first job” or “Your dad helped me fund my first business” or  “Your dad taught me how to fish.”

He left a legacy. A REAL legacy. He touched people’s lives, gave people opportunity, and left behind businesses that didn’t skip a beat.


At the same time there was another woman in my hometown that passed away. She owned a day spa that had been in operation for about 25 years. A few days after my dad's passing I drove by her spa. There was a “For Sale” sign on the building. The business was gone. She had spent 25 years of her life building and nurturing this business but she did not create something that had the foundation to be continued without her.

She didn’t build a real business.

I tell you this because I want you to really ask yourself, what type of entrepreneur do you want to be? Are you willing to put in the work, be decisive and build a business and a life that you love?

We can’t give you the desire. We need you to bring that to the table. Everything else we can help you with.

If you want to learn the strategy behind business building, then I welcome you to take advantage of our free resources, take our business assessment to see exactly where your business is, or inquire about business  consulting or mentoring today!




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