4 Ways to Make Money With White Papers!
You’re probably searching for additional revenue streams to keep your business solid and secure in this ever changing economy and uncertain world. Producing specialized content for sale is one of the fastest, most reliable methods of making extra income fast. Writing a “white paper” or a “special report” is a great way to set yourself up as a “leading authority” in your field, and share valuable information with your prospects or clients.

How I Ask for the Sale
The first three parts of my sales process. Learn how to convert clients to cash.

Sales Skills – You Don’t Have to Be Born With Them

Most Sales Happen in the Follow-Up

How to Price Your Services
Stop the struggle that comes with not knowing how to price your services. Get clear on your value and how to articulate it and then get really clear on your numbers and you can know you are charging what you are worth.

4 Ways to Banish Bright Shiny Objects Forever

How to Make Money With a Free Event

Sales Tips for the Reluctant Entrepreneur

VIP Days: More Money, Great Results, Less Work

How Jena Filled Her High End Coaching Program in One Weekend
Want to know what it really takes to fill a high-end coaching program? Read this story of how I worked with my client Jena Rodriguez to create a year-long marketing plan to help her bring in over six figures in a a weekend by filling her high end coaching program.