What Happens in Houston Stays in Houston

Sometimes the Scary Path is Less Risky

You Momma Was VERY Wrong…

Can I Predict Your Future?

Ouch… The One Thing That Will ALWAYS Hold You Back…

Why I’m Supporting St. Jude’s (and why you should too)

Guess Who Has A Birthday Today!

It’s Here: How to Decide, Take Action and Pocket the $$$ – Free Video Series for You!

It’s YOUR Turn…..
If I were to pick what I think made the difference for Belanie – it was having a clear understanding or where she was going and (and this is a big one) it was the added accountability of having someone to answer to. We all need that, don’t we? Someone we know is holding us accountable for what we need to get done to have the success we desire.

Recording Giveaway – Bob Jenkins