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Twitter Basics: 8 Great Reasons Why You Need To Still Be on Twitter

When people get started with social media – they tend to start with Facebook. Twitter seems to be a lot of work for little return. Business owners complain that they don’t have time to keep up with Twitter in real time. Depending on your business model, Twitter can be a great way to reach out and communicate with your customers.

Here are eight ways that being on Twitter can help your business.

Cultivate Strategic Alliances to Easily Attract Clients and Grow Your Revenue

Cultivate Strategic Alliances to Easily Attract Clients and Grow Your Revenue

By creating successful strategic alliances you can consistently add new clients and build your list while at the same time, creating more momentum, more opportunities and more business success for yourself and your strategic partners.

One kind of strategic alliance is to identify individuals in your field that provide products or services that are similar to yours, yet with a different spin or specialty. Bread bakers refer dessert makers, dietitians refer personal trainers and visa versa, and doctors, lawyers and consultants refer based on specialty.

5 Ways to Hack the Ultimate Blog Challenge

5 Ways to Hack the Ultimate Blog Challenge

[ultimateblogchallengebanner1] Was creating more content one of your New Year’s resolutions? Joining the Ultimate Blog Challenge is one of the best ways I know of to kickstart a blogging habit. The challenge started on January 1 – but it is not too late to join in and reap the benefits of regular blogging including increased traffic to your site, credibility and a network of entrepreneurs who are willing to spread the word about your content.

When I talk to clients about the Blog Challenge — many resist because they think it will be too hard. To help encourage you to take the leap, I’m going to share my 5 best blog challenge hacks with you.

Use Your Love of Social Media to Create A Thriving Home Business

I’ve been traveling a lot over the past six months and have been saddened by the stories of all the people who are struggling to get by and frustrated with my conversations with business owners.

70% of them want to hire a social media manager — but they can’t find one that has the skill and professionalism they need. Rachel Strella and I teach these skills in our program. The students from the last session of SMMP are finding clients, making connections and are well on their way to starting successful social media businesses. I wanted to share a guest post from one of those students today.

Using Testimonials to Promote Yourself

You’ve just been to a fabulous event – the host asks for testimonials. Should you step up to the camera? Absolutely. Here’s why. If you give a good testimonial, then not only to you build a relationship with the event host (always important!), you also get promoted as the host proudly displays your testimonial as they promote their product. Plus, who doesn’t want to be counted as a success story 🙂

Is Social Media Too Time Consuming for Small Businesses?

Did you know that less than half of small businesses use social media to market their business? That’s what a recent survey from the small business insurance firm Hiskos says. According to the survey, 47% of small business owners rated social media as “unimportant” in their marketing efforts. Of the 53% who use social media – only 12% use it regularly. Here’s how to make more time for social media.