How To Get Hundreds of Webinar Registrations

Social Media Automation Tool – CoSchedule

Take Action Get Profits with Michele Scism and Her Guests JP Jones & Minette Riordan.

What the latest social media trends mean for coaches

Who to Connect With Online
[iStock_connections_xSmall_2] When I first started to market my business, www.DecisiveMinds.com, on social media in March of 2010 it became quickly obvious that my social media audience was not just my potential clients.
There are actually 3 groups of people that I am trying to connect with online. I will share my 3 groups with you and then I would love to know how you would expand on this.

How to Find More Clients Using LinkedIn
Linked in has been my go to strategy for getting clients for a long time. The people who are on Linked in are looking to network and get answers from fellow professionals. Here’s a video I did on how to find more clients on Linked In. Hope you enjoy it!

Tuesday Social Media Tip: The Basics Can Cost You When Not Done Correctly
When my clients start to build their social media strategy one of the first things we talk about are the basics. We are going to talk about what I consider to be the three most important steps in setting up your social media strategy.

Lessons Learned from the Linked In Security Breach
Were you affected by the LinkedIn security breach? I was. The security breach happened because Linked In did not go beyond very basic encryption for passwords. The password breach hurts the LInked In brand. Linked In is known as the “professional” social media network – yet it did not take even the most basic precautions to make sure that its users data is secure.
How Often Should You Post on Social Media
Consistency is the key to social media success? The question is how often do you need to post to Twitter, Facebook, YouTube or Linked In be considered a consistent poster. Social media experts Shahar and Nash Boyayan share their opinion of what it is to be a consistent social media marketer.
Get Noticed By Using Linked In Groups
Are you still staying away from Linked In? Many people I talk to shy away from Linked In’s “buttoned -up” very professional image.
Not using it is turning your back on access to millions of people. Where else can you get that kind of advertising for your business?
10 Tips for Creating An Awesome Social Media Profile (on any network)
I often teach people who to create social media profiles on a specific networks — but did you know that a lot of the “rules” apply to all of the networks. As a matter of fact, you can really boost your visibility and personal brand by being consistent and following these 10 rules.