Jul 6, 2019 | Small Business Marketing
One of the things that people always ask me is “Michele, how do you attract such an amazing community?”. As one of my blog readers (and part of my community), you know that people who aren’t humble, hard working and good hearted don’t last long in my circles. Not that I repel them – they just know they are in the wrong group. Having the right community around me makes my work a pleasure – because I know that I what a teach changes the lives of some fabulous people.
Apr 1, 2017 | Social Media
You’ve worked hard to build your community using social media. Here are some tips on using your community to make more money without being salesy or sleazy.
Mar 25, 2017 | Build Your Business
How would it feel to know that you have a group of people that want to promote you and your business to the world? They hang on your every word. They love your ideas, your products and services and can’t wait to share you with their audience. Well those are just a few of the reasons to build a community.
Dec 2, 2014 | Small Business Marketing
Brenda Trott of Done4UMedia.com shares her secret for growing her business and community. By growing her community and helping a charity, she is able to also grow her business!