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Belanie Dishong
Live At Choice

I want to tell you how proud I am of my private coaching client Belanie Dishong, Founder of Live at Choice.

Belanie has had a coaching and transformational speaking business for a long time — and she was making *some* money when we started working together in 2010.  But, she couldn’t seem to break through the six figure barrier.

We worked together on developing and improving her business strategy (we started by tripling her rates).

During the time that we’ve worked together, Belanie has increased her income by over 70% and she is now consistently bringing in six figures a year.  Since she said it was ok for me to share – earlier this year she signed a $60,000 contract and is on track to triple her revenues again this year.  

If I were to pick what I think made the difference for Belanie – it was having a clear understanding of where she was going and (and this is a big one) it was the added accountability of having someone to answer to.  

We all need that, don’t we?  Someone we know is holding us accountable for what we need to get done to have the success we desire.

A BIG announcement…  It's YOUR Turn!

Over the past year I have been impressed and amazed at the progress my clients are making.  Yes, I attract people that work hard, and I am a good coach and mentor.  But, the true secret sauce is having a support group and someone to be accountable to.

I also know beyond a shadow of a doubt that my mission is to help small business owners succeed – so I wanted to provide a way to make my coaching affordable – so affordable that anyone who is ready to take that next step could.

So… I created the Six Figure Business Results Silver program.  The program gives you access to the strategy and business development as well as the accountability of being part of a committed group of entrepreneurs.  You can learn more about the program and all the benefits you get here.

We have around 20 people in the group already and they are a fabulous and supportive group.  I can't wait to welcome YOU  into my “inner circle”. 🙂

Who knows, you might be my next success story.