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Why do I keep going to live events?

Why do I keep going to live events?

My dad (an amazing entrepreneur that taught me to be the entrepreneur I am today) asked me a great question about all my traveling the other day – would you like to know what I told him? Watch this video and find out.

Happy Mardi Gras – My BIG Gift to you.

Happy Mardi Gras – My BIG Gift to you.

You know that I am a huge proponent of going to live events. This Mardi Gras, I am gifting you with the opportunity to go to two events for half the price of one. If you buy a half price ticket to Take Action Get Profits New Orleans (October 5-7), you’ll get a free ticket to my May conference – Extreme Income Explosion Secrets (May 3-5) in Salt Lake City

NEW VIDEO: Becoming An Expert Using Social Media

Are you using social media effectively in your business? According to recent surveys, the majority of small businesses have a social media presence of some sort (a Facebook page or a Linked In profile) but a very small minority are actually posting anything to social media on a consistent basis.