Video Podcast: Is Your Business Leaking Money?

Video Podcast: Is Sympathy Costing You Money?

Take Action Get Profits Radio: Rodney S. Jones and Carl Loop

Take Action Get Profits Radio: Jon G. Sanchez and Judith Richey

Take Action Get Profits Radio: Alicia White and Jason Pockrandt

Take Action Get Profits Radio: Michelle Barr and Tara Swiger

Take Action Get Profits with Michele Scism and Her Guests JP Jones & Minette Riordan.

Take Action Get Profits Radio With Guests Chris M. Sprague and Carl Scott Jr.

Take Action Get Profits Radio: Debbie O’Grady and Karen Downing

How to Create Video on the Fly!
Today’s Post is from Lynn Ruby. – Imagine being at an event, meeting or elsewhere when someone – video camera in hand – says, “I’d like to know what you think about X.”
They sling the camera up to their shoulder, push the button and you’re caught like a deer in headlights!
Here are 5 things you can do in that moment to be as polished and articulate as possible: