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BncnIv-IYAAec3OI’m so excited to be interviewing Debbie O'Grady and Karen Downing on my radio show on Monday, July 14th at 2pm Central (3pm Eastern, 1pm Pacific). You can catch the show live (or catch the recording here.).

Debbie-OGradyDebbie O’Grady, dubbed ‘Queen of Accountability’ by her clients, is a thought leader and mentor on leveraging accountability to achieve successful outcomes.

Debbie works with forward-thinking coaches who want their clients to stay focused and on track to accomplish their goals and achieve success as rapidly as possible. The elite group of coaches that are Debbie’s clients totally recognize the benefits and value of supplementing their own existing high-end coaching program with progress tracking and accountability, and know they don’t want to do it themselves.

Debbie also works with individuals, mainly women who have had successful careers working for others that now want to build successful businesses of their own.  Debbie’s clients understand that accountability translates to focus, progress, and success. Even if these individuals already have a coach, they recognize that Debbie’s Accountability Program complements and enhances the benefits they are receiving from their current coach. The Accountability Program helps them transform the knowledge and direction imparted by their coach into action and achievement. http://RevenueRecharge.com

Karen DowningKaren Downing has been working with Spirit since childhood. At an early age, Karen was always very sensitive of people’s energy and seemed to know and understand things that other children her age did not. After school, Karen worked in the corporate world for a few years. During that time, she worked in Human Resources, assisting others with their personal problems. Little did she know that Spirit was already beginning to use her energy to help others.

In 2007, Karen started taking intuitive development courses, and by August of that year, Karen was participating in psychic fairs and giving intuitive readings on a professional level. In 2009, Karen started publicly channeling Aurora and launched AurorasMessage.com. Since that time, Karen has continued to spread Aurora's message of love and compassion to the world. Karen's writing can be seen on such websites as Care2.com, Inspire Me Today and Spirit Library. As a part of Karen's work with Aurora, Karen has traveled to Iceland, India and Dubai, as well as throughout the United States. AurorasMessage.com


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 Michele is looking for 4 entrepreneurs to promote on her radio show.  If your ideal clients are entrepreneurs and you would like Michele to recommend you to her audience on her radio show (and possibly in her newsletter) click here for more information (on the page click on segment sponsor tab).  Or email questions directly to Info@DecisiveMinds.com.