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4 Ways to Make Money With White Papers!

4 Ways to Make Money With White Papers!

You’re probably searching for additional revenue streams to keep your business solid and secure in this ever changing economy and uncertain world. Producing specialized content for sale is one of the fastest, most reliable methods of making extra income fast. Writing a “white paper” or a “special report” is a great way to set yourself up as a “leading authority” in your field, and share valuable information with your prospects or clients.

5 Tips for Treating Your E-Mail List Well…

5 Tips for Treating Your E-Mail List Well…

E-mail marketing (like all marketing, really) is about building relationships and engagement with your audience. The people who have subscribed to your list are very valuable. These are the people who have “invested” (even if just by giving their e-mail address) into you and your business. If you treat them well… your list members will become your valued customers for a long time.

5 Ways to Find Speaking Opportunities

5 Ways to Find Speaking Opportunities

For a lot of people, getting the speaking gig seems a lot more difficult than getting on stage and giving that first presentation. In the beginning, you do need time (to make a lot of contacts) and a thick skin (to deal with rejection) to land that very first “gig”. In this post, I’m going to give some tips on ways to book your first presentation.