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Many successful people are perfectionists.  While perfectionism has its place, it can also be a huge stumbling block for getting your butt in gear.  As a recovering perfectionist, I’m not going to tell you it’s going to be easy for you to drop your perfectionist habits but I have learned that misspelling words here and there won’t kill you or your launch.  They won’t take your kids away if your sales page doesn’t look perfect or if you’re opt-in sequence has a broken link.

The mantra for getting started is “Good is good enough.” Say it out loud.  Write it down somewhere visible.  Post it on your computer screen.  Those four words will help you launch and bring in the money.  A perfect product that never gets launched will never, ever make you any money.  A good product launched “good enough” can make you thousands.

One of the easiest ways to help you get over the fear and the hesitation is to set a deadline that will motivate you to get going.  That deadline can be 30 days, 60 days, 90 days, whatever.  But, it should be both reasonable and a bit of a stretch.  It may not be possible to build a 6 month program and launch it in only 30 days but a 4 part series is totally doable in 30 days.  If you want support to launch in 30 days, check this out.

So here’s some basic tips:

So once you set the deadline, think about how to break it up into manageable goals and deadlines.  The whole task can seem daunting, but looking at what you need to have in place by the end of week 1, week 2, week 3 etc. can make it much easier to start and accomplish.

Think about what kind of support you’re going to need BEFORE you start.  There’s nothing worse than realizing you needed a web developer, not designer or a project manager and not a transcriptionist the day before your deadline.

Don’t get bogged down by having the 112th email before you launch.  The more you have finished the better, but just because you don’t have the email they’ll receive on day 30 done doesn’t mean you have to push your launch back.

And remember, “Good is good enough!” So get going and make a plan to launch your next (or first) amazing product!  This month during the Ultimate Blog Challenge we’ll be posting tips on how to make you a launch a success.  We’ll see you on the other side.