3 Top Reasons Why Writing a Book Is the Best Way to Increase Your Visibility
If you are an entrepreneur, coach, speaker or other service professional you have a message, service and/or product to share with your clients. No matter how life-changing your service or product, however, your audience must know you exist and know how to find you in order to benefit from what you offer. That means you must increase your visibility.

How to Get Visibility by Sponsoring Events

I’m in a “Hell Yeah” state of mind.
I just got back from Suzanne Evan’s Be the Change conference. I learned valuable lessons about increasing my visibility through sponsorships, networking and owning my own value.

7 Easy Ways to Get More Traffic to Your Website
Website traffic is the lifeblood of any business that operates online. More traffic means more potential customers — and (of course!) more customers results in more money in your pocket. One of the complaints I hear fairly often – is that sometimes the expense of advertising and driving traffic to your site isn’t worth the few extra customers you get in return.

The Secret to Successful Networking (Even If You Are Shy…)
Learn how to choose the right networking group for your business.
Facebook Fan Page Strategy in 3 Easy Steps

Lessons From a Secret Millionaire

Don’t Be That Guy by Chris Brogan

Do You Want to Write a Book?

Why You Need An Online Video Marketing Strategy