By Michele Scism
The Results Lady
I just watched a video I wanted to share with you from Chris Brogan of Chris He is talking about not being that guy (or gal) that is constantly pushing and promoting your own stuff. The key word there being “constantly”. There is a fine line between being self-promoting and annoying.
I think it is extremely important that you promote your products and services. But there are extremes. If you have a product or service that you believe in – that you know is valuable and can change the lives and/or businesses of those who use it then you are doing them a disservice by not sharing.
However, there are those people who are absorbed with promotion. You know the ones in the room who are always telling you which program they have that will fix your problems. We have to remember that we must also add value and share our knowledge to build relationships.
So remember – don't be that guy!