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I’m quitting

I’m quitting

So, in order for Decisive Minds to grow and serve more people, I’m beginning the process of stepping out of the middle of operations (where most important information is in my head) to getting to the place where I can have a 50,000 foot view and really work on creating a business with staying power. I have a sneaking feeling that this is going to be a long journey – and I would like to invite you to come along with me as Decisive Minds changes. I’ll share what I learn along the way – to help you create YOUR legacy.

How to Create Video on the Fly!

How to Create Video on the Fly!

Today’s Post is from Lynn Ruby. – Imagine being at an event, meeting or elsewhere when someone – video camera in hand – says, “I’d like to know what you think about X.”
They sling the camera up to their shoulder, push the button and you’re caught like a deer in headlights!
Here are 5 things you can do in that moment to be as polished and articulate as possible: