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5 Tricks for Using Keywords In Your Blog Posts

5 Tricks for Using Keywords In Your Blog Posts

Using keywords in your blog posts is one way to make sure that your audience sees your posts. I know there is a lot of confusion about keywords (and many people who will charge you a lot of money to find them for you).

Quite simply, keywords are just the words that people type into Google or their search engine of choice to find you. One of the best ways to find keywords (besides using the google keyword tool) is to join forums and facebook groups with your ideal clients — take note of the words they use to describe their problems. Those are likely to be excellent keywords for you.

5 Ways to Get Blog Post Ideas

5 Ways to Get Blog Post Ideas

What is stopping you from blogging? Are you worried about not having enough information to write about? The one thing I can tell you is that you have within your immediate grasp enough information in your brain to write your first several blog posts. You can worry about the rest later.

5 Blog Marketing Techniques

5 Blog Marketing Techniques

Whether you are a new blogger, or one that has been blogging for a while, you are probably wondering how to get more sales, visitors, and readers to your blog on a weekly basis. Marketing your blog the right way will give you the results that you are looking for.

Overcoming Social Media Procrastination

Overcoming Social Media Procrastination

I’ve noticed that whenever I post about consistency and creating an effective social media strategy, some people start getting overwhelmed and believe that social media is out of their reach. It really isn’t!