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What Writers Can Learn from Effective Speakers

What Writers Can Learn from Effective Speakers

Those who aspire to be great writers should take lessons from compelling public speakers.

If you’re writing, you’re selling. Whether it’s personal outreach, promotional copy for a client product or service, encouraging others to support a charity cause or creative prose you put out there for others to enjoy, what you say and the way you say it will cause people to read or leave. Learning to make your message tight takes time. So does the editing process to make it so.

Cultivate Strategic Alliances to Easily Attract Clients and Grow Your Revenue

Cultivate Strategic Alliances to Easily Attract Clients and Grow Your Revenue

By creating successful strategic alliances you can consistently add new clients and build your list while at the same time, creating more momentum, more opportunities and more business success for yourself and your strategic partners.

One kind of strategic alliance is to identify individuals in your field that provide products or services that are similar to yours, yet with a different spin or specialty. Bread bakers refer dessert makers, dietitians refer personal trainers and visa versa, and doctors, lawyers and consultants refer based on specialty.