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Why Should You Care About SOPA/PIPA?

If you’ve been browsing the web today – you’ve probably noticed that several sites are blacked out today in protest of a bill currently in the Senate called SOPA/PIPA. I don’t generally write about politics on this blog — but SOPA/PIPA is very scary. The bill is designed to help the entertainment industry enforce copyright rules. As written, it has the power to cripple the Internet and destroy social media. In essence, SOPA/PIPA requires domain hosts to shut down websites that contain any copyrighted material and payment processors to withhold payment. This can be done at the word of the copyright holder with no further proof necessary.

Linked In Basics: How to Create An Awesome Linked In Profile

This post is a continuation of my January Social Media Basics series. If I were to pick the “best kept secret” in social media – I would have to say Linked In. Although more people are learning about Linked In — there are still many who aren’t using it to it’s full potential. The key to getting the most out of Linked In is to spend some time completing your profile.

Twitter Basics: 8 Great Reasons Why You Need To Still Be on Twitter

When people get started with social media – they tend to start with Facebook. Twitter seems to be a lot of work for little return. Business owners complain that they don’t have time to keep up with Twitter in real time. Depending on your business model, Twitter can be a great way to reach out and communicate with your customers.

Here are eight ways that being on Twitter can help your business.

Use Your Love of Social Media to Create A Thriving Home Business

I’ve been traveling a lot over the past six months and have been saddened by the stories of all the people who are struggling to get by and frustrated with my conversations with business owners.

70% of them want to hire a social media manager — but they can’t find one that has the skill and professionalism they need. Rachel Strella and I teach these skills in our program. The students from the last session of SMMP are finding clients, making connections and are well on their way to starting successful social media businesses. I wanted to share a guest post from one of those students today.

Is Social Media Too Time Consuming for Small Businesses?

Did you know that less than half of small businesses use social media to market their business? That’s what a recent survey from the small business insurance firm Hiskos says. According to the survey, 47% of small business owners rated social media as “unimportant” in their marketing efforts. Of the 53% who use social media – only 12% use it regularly. Here’s how to make more time for social media.