Video Podcast: How To Build Your List With Joint Ventures
Create joint ventures to help grow your business.
Create joint ventures to help grow your business.
Stop wasting your time on webinars that don’t sell. In this video, I will show you how a few simple tweaks to your overall webinar process can make a big difference in your bottom line.
Are you blogging all the time but nobody is reading what you write? Imagine what it would be like to have new leads signing up daily for your email list, just from your blog posts.
This video will show you how to create a blog that gets read, and builds your email list.
In the video, I show you you a technique called “content upgrade” for getting opt-ins from the blog. Here’s a checklist on how to get that done.
I have had so many questions about how to create effective newsletters – a newsletter that gets opened – a newsletter that actually accomplishes something!
This video will show you how to create a newsletter that works. So in this video I discuss 4 reasons why you would have a newsletter, followed by the things you need to do to make them effective in your busine
Can you make money without an email list – sure. But if you are building a community online then your email list is part of that. Email marketing works, but are lot of entrepreneurs are not focused on the importance of building that email list. In this episode, Michele gives her best 5 tips for building your email list.
Is it time to hire a bookkeeper for your business? How do you choose someone you can trust? Since I’m a trained accountant, I get asked this question all the time. In this podcast, I’ll answer these questions for you. I’ll also tell you the difference between a bookkeeper, an accountant and a CPA.
Are you hiding from the numbers in your business? Here are three things your finanicial statements can tell you.
Don’t listen to anyone who tells you where you should be spending your marketing time and money in 2016. Here’s what you should do instead.
What’s really going to be big in the small business and coaching industry in 2016? Here are are few of my projections for the coming year. Some of these are fairly obvious – for example video and social are going to continue to be important to business owners – others represent new things that are coming for 2016 – see what I think are going to be the big trends for 2016 – if you are a coach of any kind you will want to see this episode!