Video Podcast: Tracking Numbers to Build Your Business

Can You Grow Your Business By Making It Smaller?
Have you ever talked on the phone with someone who isn’t really there?
You get the sense that they are checking Facebook or their email and not fully listening to what you have to say. When my coaching clients do this during a phone call, it annoys me. They are wasting time and money—everyone’s time and their hard-earned money.
While it seems more efficient to multi-task, in reality, it is bad for your relationships and even worse for your business.

My Regret Busting Plan for 2016

Put Down That Computer! 5 Ways To Plow Through Your To Do List
Too much to do? Here are some tips to plan your day – so that you have time to put down the computer and enjoy life.

Best of the Decisive Minds Blog: 15 Top Posts from 2015
Here are the best blog posts of 2015 on the Decisive Minds Blog.
How coaches manage their time wrong.

Video Podcast: How to Stop Being the Bottleneck in Your Business

7 Tips for an Amazingly Successful 2016

Video Podcast: My coaching industry projections for 2016
What’s really going to be big in the small business and coaching industry in 2016? Here are are few of my projections for the coming year. Some of these are fairly obvious – for example video and social are going to continue to be important to business owners – others represent new things that are coming for 2016 – see what I think are going to be the big trends for 2016 – if you are a coach of any kind you will want to see this episode!

Video Podcast: My “Be A Super Prepared Speaker” Checklist