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Are you just starting your online business?  Or, have you been around for “awhile”, see other people making it work, and wonder what's YOUR missing piece?  This article is all about the “real secrets” to creating an online business that works for YOU. 

This article is not about which shiny object to chase after or who's home study program or mastermind will make ALL the difference – it is about the 5 things I see my successful clients do EVERY day.

5 REAL Secrets to A Successful Online Business

Secret 1:  You need to be selling something useful and valuable.  Do not pick a niche because that is what your mentor teaches. Do not build a business exclusively on PLR.  You need to find out what problem your ideal client has – and solve it.  Anything else is both unfair to your customers and likely to fail in the long run.

Secret 2:   You need a website.  As tempting as it is (believe me!) you need your OWN website and e-mail autoresponder  You can't just subscribe to someone else's “everything is done for you” system.  You need to create your own “home” with your own personality.  if “plug and play” actually worked – we would all be millionaires.

Secret 3:  You need to decide to commit to working in the business.  Decide on how many hours you are working each day – and do the work- every day.  You must be consistent and persistent.  If you are not, then when things get boring or sales don’t happen, you take a few days off.  Before you know it, you aren’t making enough money online, but it is not because you haven’t started right, but because you didn’t finish what you started.

Secret 4:  You must commit to giving it time.  Even my success (which came quickly) was not overnight.  I spent my first year really learning about marketing online (and I had a coach which accelerated the process).  Most people take a while to learn the ins and outs of online marketing – and learning what works for their audiences.  Once you build momentum – income will start building quickly.  It just takes patience and (as always) persistence.

Secret 5:  Invest in yourself, your business, and your education.  OK – before you go hog wild on me and start buying many courses you don't need – listen to what I have to say. Any business has start-up costs like inventory, buildings, computers.  These are called capital.   In online marketing, the capital in knowledge.  Spending money on carefully chosen mentors and coaches will fast track your success.  But, as with any business investment – make sure that you only invest in things that make sense for YOUR business.