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Take Action Get Profits – Collaborating with Passionate Entrepreneurs

Michele is excited to be interviewing Joe Chatham & Meredith Eisenberg about how you can collaborate with Passionate Entrepreneurs and what that can bring to your business at 2pm Central. You can call in live or catch the show recording Take Action Get Profits – Collaborating with Passionate Entrepreneurs here.


Joe Chatham

Joe Chatham the Managing Partner and Founder of the USA 500 Clubs, LLC, a high-end business collaborative focussing on developing meaningful relationships between its members for the purposes of helping each other with business and personal development. Joe has built an organization wiht hundreds of members on the East Coast. Prior to building the USA 500 Clubs, I built the Massachusetts organization for ProVisors, a leading networking organization in California.

Meredith Eisenberg

With 8 years of online marketing experience in the coaching world and 15 years of marketing and PR experience in local government and nonprofits, Meredith has a passion for helping coaches and other solopreneurs create a business based on their passions and brilliance. Meredith loves connecting people with the right technology and tools to build their business quickly and easily.

She is co-host of the Paycheck to Passion podcast which features the stories of entrepreneurs who have escaped the corporate grind to create the business and lives of their dreams. She is also co-founder of the Passionate Entrepreneurs Network – an affordable incubator for passionate entrepreneurs.


Would you like Michele to promote you?


Michele is looking for 4 entrepreneurs to promote on her radio show.  If your ideal clients are entrepreneurs and you would like Michele to recommend you to her audience on her radio show (and possibly in her newsletter) click here for more information (on the page click on segment sponsor tab).  Or email questions directly to Info@DecisiveMinds.com.