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How to Promote Your Product in 3 Easy Steps

How to Promote Your Product in 3 Easy Steps

So, why haven't you launched your product yet? One of the biggest objections my clients give me about creating products is that they don't know how to promote them (or if they do - their promotion isn't very effective). They know that sometimes it seems like you are...

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Stop Being A Rebel and Do What Works…

Stop Being A Rebel and Do What Works…

So...  what is the number one thing that stops people from having success in business?  It isn't lack of time, lack of money or just bad luck.  It's that most beginning business owners are just not willing to do what it takes to have a successful business.  Yes, there...

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Is Email Making You a Chickens**t?

Is Email Making You a Chickens**t?

Is Email Making YOU a Chickensh**t in your business. I want to talk about a problem I have seen in my business and in my clients' businesses recently – one that I am not happy about! When not to use email as a way to avoid a conversation about working with someone.

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The Most Frightening Event I Attended This Year

The Most Frightening Event I Attended This Year

Last week, I attended InfusionCon - the BIG conference (over 3,500 people attended this year) for put on by Infusionsoft.  Before I go much further I have to say that I LOVE Infusionsoft - it has allowed me to build an amazing business and amazing life.  But... I also...

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