Video Podcast – 3 Ways to Get Prospects With Video
Video is taking over the world and it’s time for you to figure this out. Your competitors are figuring it out. In today’s video I will share with you 3 different ways you can get prospects with video. Oh, and for those of you who aren’t creating videos because you...

10 Minute Blog Post System Part II
Want to create curiosity and a little buzz in your blog post? Use a video or article from a well known individual in your industry. When you tweet or share information about your post you can include their name which will peak peoples interest.

Viral Marketing – The Art of Being Shareable
Viral Marketing is the art of being able to get other people to promote your ideas, products, and services to their friends. Look at how powerful crowdfunding has become or crowdsourcing, which is getting lots of people to create content or do work on a project. All...

Create a List: How I Added Thousands to My List Using Other People's Audiences
When I was a very young entrepreneur my dad taught me about “OPM” - Other People’s Money. When I decided to build an online business, I realized I could use this same approach to create a list of email contacts. I call it “OPA” - Other People’s Audiences! Let’s look...

10 Minute Blog Post System Part I
Question – What do you do when you are in the middle of a 30 day blog post challenge and you get so busy that you fall 2 days behind?
Answer – You pull out the old “10 Minute Blog Posting” system that I am so proud to have created!

How to Get Effective Social Proof That Sells
As an entrepreneur and a marketer, understanding how social proof sells will change everything. Social proof has a direct correlation to your conversion online. You have experienced it for yourself. How many times have you seen people in a line outside of a building...

Derek Sivers on How to Start a Movement
I can not tell you how many times I have heard business coaches and mentors saying “To build a business you must start a movement!” To tell you the truth, when I would hear that I had no clue what they were talking about. They weren’t telling me how to start a...

How to Create an Application Process to Find Better Clients
How many times do you have a sales conversation with someone and quickly realize that you are not talking to your ideal client? You know who I’m talking about, those people who are never going to hire you, or are argumentative, or constantly disagreeing with you about...

How to Make Money During the Holidays
By now all the Thanksgiving leftovers are gone or gone bad, and from now until the end of the year it's Christmas trees and colored lights as far as the eye can see! Love it or hate it, we are in the home stretch of the year. Was it a good year for you? I thought...

VIP Days: More Money, Great Results, Less Work
I know envy isn’t an emotion we normally admit to, but be honest, have you ever felt a little envious when you hear about consultants and coaches who are getting paid $5,000, $10,000 or even $20,000 for 1 day of work? How can you make money with VIP days? If you are...