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3 Ways To Stop Being Underpaid &
Finally Get Paid What You Are Worth


A Simple Sales Funnel Strategy

A Simple Sales Funnel Strategy

Are you starting to believe it is a myth? I’m talking about the ever illusive sales funnel strategy. Well I think it is because you are over thinking it. In today’s podcast I am going to share with you my thought process for designing the front end of your funnel so...

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Overcoming Objections: The Scripts

Overcoming Objections: The Scripts

Do you freeze when someone gives you the money objection during a sales conversation? In today’s episode of the Entrepreneurs Take Action Podcast, Michele talks about overcoming objections. She focuses on how to use a script to overcome the money objection and the “I...

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Video Podcast – How to Use PLR

Video Podcast – How to Use PLR

Are you one of those people who has bought tons of PLR only to have it sit on your hard drive? Maybe you are new to this world of content. In today’s episode of Entrepreneurs Take Action, Michele shares different ideas about how to use PLR. Maybe we should start with...

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