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It’s so easy in the hustle and bustle of owning a small business to forget how much we really have to be thankful for. We can get so caught up in making those sales goals, running our operations, and growing our business that we forget how lucky we are to be able to live our passions every single day.

So, today I want to spend a little time talking about some things you can do to really show thankfulness to yourself, your business, and your clients.


It’s too easy to focus on the negative so spend some time each week to celebrate your accomplishments.  Shoot for 3-5 things each week that you want to celebrate. It can be something as simple as “my to do list is all caught up” or something as huge as “I just landed my biggest client ever!” Your celebration can be anything

Why do I do this again?

Spend some time reconnecting with why you started this business in the first place. You chose to step up and turn your passion into a business. You chose to step up and serve your clients. Don’t forget that with all that you have going on!

Share your thankfulness…

with your community, with your clients, with your team members! It may seem obvious but reach out to the people who make your business possible and say “Thanks!” It’s such a simple word but it has a huge impact so don’t forget to use it.

And what happens if I really don’t feel thankful?

I’m not going to lie, sometimes I too wonder what the heck I was thinking starting this business! Usually though, when I stop and think about why that is, I realize it has very little to do with my business and more to do with something I need to change/fix/improve in HOW I’m doing business. Maybe I need to automate a process or tweak a program. Maybe I need to refresh my offerings. Maybe I need to get some more support in my business. Or maybe, just maybe I need to charge what I’m worth.

So if you’re struggling to celebrate your business, take some time to think about why that is. You have the passion and drive or you wouldn’t have started it in the first place!