By Michele Scism
The Results Lady
What an exiting day! Day one of the first ever Ultimate Blog Challenge. We have a fabulous group of bloggers that have joined our little blogging community for the challenge.
The thing is that on the first day we can only dream about what the month holds for us. Think about it – August could be a turning point in our blog, a turning point in our career and a turning point in our life. What are you hoping to get from the challenge?
Oh I guess the first question should be did you join the blog challenge? If not what are you waiting for? The last time I participated in a blog challenge was in June and I was so amazed with the outcomes. I doubled my blog traffic, made some amazing new friends and joint venture partners and actually formed a habit of posting more regularly on my blog.
What is a blog challenge?
Well a blog challenge is simply when several bloggers (at this moment we have 130+) commit to posting at least 1 blog post for every day of the month for one month. That's it! No fee! All the traffic that is created is actually on your own site so that has SEO advantages for the blogger. Get this you can even us guest bloggers to post on your blog so you don't have to write all of the material.
Are there any rules?
Well unfortunately there has to be a few rules. If not total anarchy would break out! So we decided to keep the rules as few as possible. You do have to write a minimum of 100 words on your post. You can use video and guest bloggers on your post but you must add 100 words of your own to introduce what you are posting. You must keep it PG rated – this is a family blogging challenge. Just in case I missed any rules you can check them out at The Ultimate Blog Challenge.
Oh I almost forgot – everyone who chooses to take the challenge also gets 31 daily tips sent through out the month on blogging and what types of posts they could write etc. Plus a fabulous new ebook – 7 Ways to Get Your Blog in Motion!
Sounds like you need to go join and get YOUR blog in motion. Even if you are reading this and the month has started it is never too late to get started – just do the posts that you need to do to get caught up. To accomplish the challenge you only need to post 31 times in the 31 days not necessarily every day – maybe some days you post 2 or 3. See you in the challenge!
And off we go! 🙂
As a participant in the Ultimate Blogging Challenge, are we supposed to post how many blogs per day/week we have written? How will you know if we’ve reached our goal of 31 blogged articles in 31 days? Thanks!
Hey Lisa – At the end of the month we will have everyone tell us how many they were able to post. It is on the honor system!
I posted my first blog today as part of the challenge and I think this is a great opportunity to form the habit of blogging regularly. Thanks to you for having this.
I’m wondering how we are connected to the other bloggers in the challenge. I signed up for it but I only received an email with my password. I haven’t gotten a confirmation email that it said would be sent. Can you help? Thanks.
Congratulations to you and Michelle Shaeffer for your enthusiasm, creative energy, and diligent efforts in putting together the Ultimate Blog Challenge!
Best of luck to all the participants!
Thank you Melanie – You rock! Hey I had a fabulous time at the mastermind last week – I am now on vacation in San Francisco. It is absolutely beautiful and nice and cold. What is awesome is that the blog challenge goes on. Talk to you next week. Michele
Very excited about a wonderful new blogging adventure.
Thank you so much for organising it.
Good luck and much love to everyone taking up the challenge.
Heather x
Hey Heather – Thanks for joining us!
Having a lot of fun with the blog challenge – and I’m getting to meet new people and read new blogs, so that’s also a good thing! Thanks Michelle – this was a fabulous idea!