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This month is the month of BIG Goals and BIG resolutions.  I actually think that once a year big goal setting is a bunch of B.S.  Much more effective is doing the right things *every day*.  That is the way you make progress.

In my book, Take the Risks or Get A Job I talk about exactly what you need to do to succeed.  If you do these 7 things daily, your business will grow.

7 Daily Must Dos

My 7 Daily Must Do’s

  1. 15 minutes of outbound calls! The goal of these calls is to set up appointments for follow up conversations. They are short and directly to the point. Be ready with your calendar so you can get them scheduled.  If you don’t have someone’s phone number, a Facebook message will work for setting the appointment.  A phone call is better though!
  1. Sales calls! You didn’t really think you would only be on the phone for 15 minutes a day did you? You actually have to make the follow-up calls that you have now scheduled. The ultimate goal of these calls is to get a new client. Depending on your relationship with this person this may happen on the first call or that first call maybe a getting to know you call which leads into a second conversation to talk about working together. It only counts as a sales call if you make an actual offer of your services and ask for the sale.
  1. Speak or book future speaking engagements! In my book, I talk about how I can routinely bring $2,000 back from a luncheon speaking engagement.  How many of those would you like to do a week? On a daily basis you should spend time either speaking whether that be at a luncheon, on a stage, on a radio show, a teleseminar or webinar, or getting booked fora future speaking engagement. Speaking is one of the fastest ways for you to be seen as an authority in your industry and the fastest way to get people to pay you money even if it is just selling your books in the back of the room.
  1. Work with clients or on client projects! If you are making the calls and speaking then hopefully you are getting new clients and you have to provide the services you have sold them. Most of the time that implementation is your job. There are times when you can pass that off to your team but it is something you have to focus on daily.
  1. Delegate more to your team! You might be questioning whether this is an income producing activity or more of a cost center? The fact is when you grow your team and they take over the daily drudgery then you can spend that time on sales calls or working with clients. Your goal should be to give 80% of your to do list away on a daily basis to your team.
  1. Be decisive, commit to a path & stick to it! We started to talk about this on the last list. It is the opposite of over thinking things or the shiny object syndrome. Being decisive, committed and sticking to it will make you money faster than those people who are constantly changing direction. Do not keep recreating yourself and your business.
  1. Reward yourself for your successes! This one needs no explanation.

Now It is Up to You!

Take The Risks of Get a Job!


Now you have a plan. Stick to these 7 new habits daily and you will quickly see changes. Brian Tracy says that “Successful people are just those with successful habits.”

Want more successful habits?  Grab your copy of my book – Take the Risks or Get a Job here