A lot of you are asking me how I really got my business going. Like many of you, I spent months and months “pretending” to be in business. I spent hours playing around on the web — but I was really getting nowhere.
Here’s how I put a stop to that and got my business going in a real way.
It all started with a simple decision and an action step.
Like many of you, I spent a lot of time listening to teleseminars. One day, I happened to listen to a call with Nancy Marmolejo. Nancy really resonated with me. On the call, she was interviewing Adam Urbanski who was offering a discounted $600 ticket to his event. Uggh… I thought I can’t spend the money and the time to pay $600 for the conference and go all the way to Los Angeles…
But… Adam is nothing if not persistent. He sent e-mails daily — each time I thought “Nope not going to do it” Then one email exactly 2 weeks before the event said something about coming to meet amazing business owners like Nancy Marmolejo and something snapped inside me – this was a way for me to meet Nancy so I bought a ticket (that was actually the only reason I was going – I wanted to meet her.). Of course, the discount tickets weren’t available any more – I paid $1997 (full price). And then immediately bought an airplane ticket.
That one seemingly random decision, changed my life and my business forever.
As a result of that decision, I hired Adam as my coach, I found my first virtual assistant and I became a part of a powerful network of colleagues that I collaborate with to this day. The network is made up of people I met at that conference. My business has completely changed – Decisive Minds was born 2 months later.. Did you know that when I started out, my business name was Mompreneur Strategy (how unlike me is that??).
So.. now it is time for YOU to make a decision that can possibly change your life.
Click here to sign up for Take Action Get Profits in Houston (even full price -you'll pay much less than $1997).
Imagine walking away from the event with a complete six month revenue plan for your business.
Imagine finding your next client, JV partner or virtual assistant….
How will your life change? Register now and find out.
Michelle, this is a great example of letting go of what makes sense to the world and going with what would make sense to you-and a little bit of crazy thrown in which I know first hand. I’d be there with you in Houston if I wasn’t already booked to be in Maryland for a totally new experience, new teacher, for me. I know your event will be top notch! Come to the east coast……..
Hey Gregory Anne, There are so many events happening at the same time. LOL Next year I will hit you up early. 🙂