My name is Debbie Elder and I am the owner and founder of the Set Them Up For Success program. Back in 2000, I came across an article in “Reader's Digest.” The story was about a man in his early forties who had been asked by his boss to take some clients on a fishing trip. That night as he was sharing this opportunity with his wife, her reaction shocked him. She replied, “Aren’t you worried about making a fool of yourself? These are big clients and you don’t know how to fish!” It was his reply that had such a profound effect on me. He told his wife he had fished with his uncle one summer when he was nine years old. In his mind, if he could do it at nine, he could surely fish at forty-three! This article had a significant impact on how I raised my daughters and it gave me inspiration for my approach to parenting. I was so struck by the incredible truth in this man's words: what we learn to do as a young child remains easy for us as we age. http://www.setthemupforsuccess.com
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