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Take Action Get Profits with Business Connectors and Coaches

Today Michele has special guests Mike Calderwood and Bryan Kiser at 2pm Central. You can call in live or catch a show recording here.


Mike Calderwood

Founded by Mike, Calderwood Coaching LLC is an organization created to educate and support small business owners who are burned out, spinning their wheels and don't know what to do next.

Mike brings more than two decades of practical experience to the table, to help them fix what is not working in their business and create sustainable, profitable and thriving enterprises. Before founding Calderwood Coaching, Michael was a serial entrepreneur for nearly twenty years. During that time he built dozens of businesses in many different industries, from home inspections to health and wellness to children’s entertainment.

Some of these ventures were extremely successful, some less so, but building these businesses from scratch taught him exactly what it takes to make a small business thrive.  Visit Mike at MikeCalderwood.net

Bryan Kiser

Collaborative network of coaches, mentors, counselors, spiritual advisors and done for you service providers.I love “connecting” people, getting them “unstuck” and sourcing talent. I am the “World's Greatest Connector” Helping many people take raw unbridled talent and turn it into art and performance.

I use that to coach and teach people how to use language, both spoken and body to ATTRACT people to them and their products and services without PROMOTING or SELLING. His website is ICoachBusinessPros.com


Would you like Michele to promote you?


Michele is looking for 4 entrepreneurs to promote on her radio show.  If your ideal clients are entrepreneurs and you would like Michele to recommend you to her audience on her radio show (and possibly in her newsletter) click here for more information (on the page click on segment sponsor tab).  Or email questions directly to Info@DecisiveMinds.com.