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Take Action Get Profits – High-Paying Clients & Self-Publishing for Profit

Join Michele today and learn about getting high paying clients and how self-publishing can help you profit!  Guests today are Rodney Hughes & Chris Kennedy. Join us at 2pm Central. You can call in live or catch the show recording Take Action Get Profits – High-Paying Clients & Self-Publishing for Profit.


Rodney Hughes

Rodney Hughes is a best-selling Author, Speaker, and Sales and Marketing Expert focused on delivering accelerated results through collaborative and creative problem solving. Whether conducting a speaking session, training, or coaching session, he has the strong reputation for delivering tangible outcomes and over-delivering on results.

Having served clients in over 12 countries and 42 US states, Rodney has a tremendous amount of experience helping people who genuinely want to experience change in their lives. Having worked in previous marketing, sales, management positions, and successfully starting several businesses from scratch, Rodney has learned how to apply creative problem solving tools to every project he undertakes to ensure ultimate success!

Chris Kennedy

A bestselling Science Fiction/Fantasy author and speaker, Chris Kennedy is a former elementary school principal and naval aviator with over 3,000 hours flying attack and reconnaissance aircraft. Chris is currently working as an Instructional Systems Designer for the Navy and is an advisory board member of Hampton Roads Writers.

Chris' full length novels on Amazon include the “Occupied Seattle” military fiction duology, the “Theogony” science fiction trilogy and the “War for Dominance” fantasy trilogy. Chris is currently working on “Self-Publishing for Profit: How to Get Your Book Out of Your Head and Onto the Shelves,” and “The Search for Gram,” the fourth book set in the Theogony universe.


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