Jul 29, 2018 | Small Business Marketing
In today’s video message to my private coaching clients I talk about how to build your team to create a six figure business. I also talk about how to create a to do list that allows you to always focus on your goals and following up.
Building your team really does give you the ability to grow your business much faster than trying to do it on your own. This means that you have to learn to delegate, avoid perfectionism and focus on the parts of the business that make you money (and that only you can do)
Feb 26, 2015 | Entrepreneurs Take Action
Today I want to talk about the difference between delegation and abdication in our businesses. If you want to build a business you are going to need some help. But there’s a big difference between delegating responsibility for a task and abdicating from all responsibility for it. You need to stay involved in the process.
Feb 19, 2013 | Build Your Business
Having a job means that you basically work for your business. You can’t take vacations because things won’t get done in your absence. Running a business means that the business can still function even if you are out of the picture for a while.