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By Michele Scism
The Results Lady

I am so excited to bring you an excerpt from the new book “Align, Expand & Succeed – Shifting the Paradigm of Entrepreneurial Success“.  This book is filled with inspirational stories from ordinary people who are conscious entrepreneurs.

Kathleen Gage, the founder of  Street Smarts Marketing is an internet marketing advisor who works with spiritually aware speakers, authors, coaches and consultants who are ready to turn their information into money making products and services. As an award winning speaker, author and entrepreneur, Kathleen is best known for her expertise with tele-seminars, online bestseller book launches, information product development and continuity programs. She is committed to helping others discover how their life’s work and spiritual path go hand in hand.

Here is an excerpt from Kathleen's contribution to the book:

I grew up in a typical middle-class home: loving parents, the youngest of three girls, a solid religious foundation, never wanting for the necessities while enjoying a comfortable life. In spite of this, I made choices that placed me in turmoil, drifting from day to day with no clear purpose, having nowhere to call home, all the while mastering the art of being unemployable.

By my 25th year I hit the lowest point imaginable. Not sure how this happened, I was quick to blame everyone but myself for the lack to which I became accustomed. I was abusing various substances to ease the pain, yet the more I attempted to escape, the greater the pain got.

My daily mantra was, “God, not another day.”

So, how did I go from this life of desperation to one in which I am blessed to do what I love, enjoying amazing abundance in all areas of my life, including clarity of mind and spirit?

I learned how to tap into an incredible source of energy that took me from a well-seasoned underachiever to an extremely high achiever.

This didn’t happen overnight. Nor did it happen without a few bumps in the road; some minor, some major.

Having come from a place of complete lack, with ever-increasing success (or what I thought success should be) I experienced something I never imagined. I became fearful of losing everything only to return to a life of desperation.

The greater the fear, the harder I pushed for success. At one point that meant getting as many awards and recognitions possible. Yet nothing would fill the secret hole I felt in my gut.

Read the full story and many more ~ Get your copy of Align, Expand and Succeed and enjoy an abundance of gifts with your purchase. http://www.aesbook.com