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no more brand shameAre you ready to create the brand you've always wanted? I know some of you reading this aren't satisfied with your brand; it's not communicating who you really are and what you really do. Jena Rodriguez, expert brand strategist,  is our guest blogger today. I hope you are inspired to move from Brand Shame to Brand Pride!

Your BRAND STYLE is the look and feel of all the things you put out to represent yourself and your business. It’s your logo, your colors, your fonts, your imagery, and everything else that comes together to visually express your brand. Like your business, your brand style is always evolving, so don’t be surprised if it changes over time.

What’s most important is that it always reflects your brand truthfully and powerfully.

The first step in the process of developing your Brand Style is to identify where you currently are with your branding. I always begin with quantifying your level of BRAND PRIDE. To do that, let’s first define what Brand Pride is and why it’s important.

BRAND PRIDE is that feeling of connectedness, clarity, excitement, and alignment. It’s when everything you’re putting out there accurately reflects your vision, gives you a sense of pride, and gets you pumped to share your position. There’s cohesion and consistency between all your brand elements and each gives prospects a clear sense of who you are and what you stand for.

On the flipside, BRAND SHAME is that disconnectedness you feel when there’s a huge gap between what you’re actually putting out there and what you know your true brand style should reflect. It often stems from a lack of clarity on how to create an authentic, cohesive brand expression. The result is disappointment with your overall look and a brand that you’re not entirely confident in sharing.

Anytime you hold back your brand from the world—whether it’s with one person or thousands—you’re doing yourself, your work, and your prospects a disservice.

Where are you on the BRAND PRIDE scale? Why are you there? What had you arrive at that number? Be BRAVE and share your thoughts in the comments.

Now that we’ve covered Step 1 and you’ve identified your “current state of brand” (where you currently are in your brand pride process), Step 2 is Defining your BRAND ATTRIBUTES and Step 3 is creating your Visual Identity. Both provide the HOW In getting to the top of the Brand Pride scale.

2015_jenapic_originalJena Rodriguez, 6 & 7 Figure Brand Strategist is passionate about transforming businesses from so-so to WOW with brand clarity, strategy, branding, and profit enhancement expertise. She is founder of Brand With Jena, a company that elevates and transforms entrepreneurs’ businesses internationally, supporting them in getting their BRAVE ON and being their brand as well as articulate it and profit from it! By doing so, she’s helped clients surpass the 6-figure mark with increases of 600% + in their business. How big is YOUR BRAVE? www.brandwithjena.com