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MakemoneyHAPPY NEW YEAR!  December and early January are the most popular time for setting goals for the new year.  The slate is wiped clean and everyone starts over again at 0.  And, the race is on.

The trouble is that many entrepreneurs don't know where they are racing to.  And, that is a recipe for chaos not progress.  Have you ever seen a frog race where they dump frogs in the middle of a circle and have them hop toward the finish?  That's what happens when you don't have a goal.

My goal is big, huge and outrageous (your goal should be too!) – I am going to build a million dollar business THIS year.  I am going to that by getting amazing results for my community.  I would LOVE for you to come with me on the journey.  Let's thrive together.

Getting Started – My January Challenge to YOU.

This month, I'm taking part in the Ultimate Blog Challenge – I've committed to 31 posts in the month of January.  I'm going to use that time to give you an overview of what you need to be doing to make your business successful in 2013.   Each day, I'll be posting tips and some action steps to get you planning and thinking to make this the best year ever.  Please let me know how you are doing in the comments section.

I'm using material from my exciting new Six Figure Business Results Gold program which I created so that you could get a comprehensive six month plan (with group coaching and accountability) at an affordable price.  If you like what you read this month and want to delve deeper, I encourage you to check out my new program! The spots are limited  – so sign up early.

The topics I'll be covering over the course of the month are:

  • How to discover and understand your business advantage
  • How to develop a multi-layered marketing strategy
  • How to grow your e-mail list
  • How to get and leverage speaking opportunities
  • How to have confident sales conversations
  • Collaborating and making money with others through affiliate partnerships and Joint Ventures

Throughout the month, you'll get new tips and action steps. You can network with others and help each other out on the Decisive Minds facebook page.

Ready, Set, GO!