When I start talking to clients about Linked In — they usually resist because they think that Linked In is for people who work for big corporations or who are looking for a job. I've found that Linked In is an excellent way to get more traffic to your site, reach a target audience and increase your conversion rate.
If you don't know how to use LinkedIn and take advantage of its potential business-growing platform, you'll be happy to hear itís easy. First, make sure all of the headlines on your pages tap into the power of SEO marketing.
From your profile page on, make every word count. Donít forget to add the blog application so that connections can also see your blog feed. Taking part in groups is a good idea, but building your own is even better.
By building your own group, your business is the one that's being promoted and not someone else's products and services. If youíve written eBooks for your niche, consider getting an ISBN number for it so that you can use the Amazon books link and promote it on your LinkedIn pages.
There are other strategies you can use on LinkedIn that help you leverage your presence into sales – like having little bites or samples of the expertise you have to share. You do that by offering the potential clients something for free.
And you make sure that the free item whets their appetite – so make sure itís something of value. There are several things you can do to offer potential customers something of value.
The first way is to share a link to a free report. In the report, you can touch on a few basics they need to know about your niche topic. This can be a marketing tool for you where you can embed links to your websites, blog and your other sites that promote your business products. This gives the customer a lesson or tip.
Secondly, you can offer short presentations that teach potential clients something of importance about the business they're in (or are considering getting into). You give them a tip or two that they can implement – some bit of knowledge gleaned from your experience and at the end of the presentation, you promote your main site.
Finally, you can offer PDF downloads in various page lengths to share your expertise. This will intrigue new clients who want to know more, and it lets them see how much you do know – compelling them to look further into your products or services. Again, you want these PDF downloads to be short, but valuable.