Quantum Pixel Tag

By Michele Scism
The Results Lady

Did you know that an estimated 10.3 million U.S. homes have e-readers? That is a lot of potential readers for your blog.  Would you like to know how to publish your blog on kindle?

I actually got this idea from my friends Shahar and Nash Boyayan of Buzz Boosters.  I read and article Shahar wrote called “Let's Market to 10 Million Homes For Free”.  In the article she pointed out that we are missing a huge opportunity if we don't publish our blog feed on Amazon's Kindle.

I created this video to show you how easy Kindle blog publishing is.  On Kindle blogs are available to owners for free for the first 14 days and then if you want to continue to read the blog you pay a subscription fee.  Kindle will then pay the blogger part of the subscription.

As I said in the video at this point my blog is currently still being published and as soon as it is available for Kindle readers I will come back and update you.  So are you going to post your blog on Kindle?