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By Michele Scism
The Results Lady

One of the reasons that people start their own businesses is to have control over their time.  With the holiday seasons quickly approaching I have been busy filling my calendar with scheduled festivities and business appointments.

As I take a moment I wonder whether you will be working these last two months of this year?  Have you already given up on this year? Are you really looking forward to starting a new one?

How will you make the last 61 days of this year count?

Why don't you get out your calendar right now and mark out all the holidays that you are “taking off”?  I actually am going to take off a week for Thanksgiving and do some much needed traveling and then I am going to take a week and a half off for Christmas and New Years.  So let's talk about what we can do on the other 45 days in our business.

Remember that a lot can be accomplished in 45 days.

  • Adding 8 new people a day to your email list would be 360 new contacts
  • Convert 25% into customers for your $47 info product and you will make $4,230  (360×25%= 90×47=4230)
  • Convert 15% of your new customers into participants in your $497 home study course and you will make another $6,958 (90×15%=14×497=6958)
  • Total $11,188

What do you need to do to accomplish this?  Focus on 2 things – your plan to add people to your email list and then the strategy you will use to market to them.

Remember that those who don't give up are the winners.  You must have vision and a direction to accomplish what you want in your business.

Here are a few things I have scheduled already during the next 2 months.

1.  I am honored that Kathy Santini asked to interview me for her upcoming “What Successful People Know” series.  This is a free call on Nov 3rd at 6pm CT.

2.  I am going to be attending the Adam Urbanski event “Attract Clients Like Crazy” in Las Vegas Nov 11th – 14th.  If you are really ready and focused on your business this is the place to be.  Hey, maybe we could do lunch or dinner.

3.  I am super excited to be starting a new series of free calls.  I want you to have all the tools necessary to get your business in motion.  It is all going to be focused on taking action.  As soon as I have dates and times I will let you know the details but I know that Tambre Leighn and Michelle Shaeffer will be starting off the new series for me.

These are just a few of the things I have on my calendar for the next couple of weeks.  I can't wait to hear about your schedule…..