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Did you know that Facebook has created a new resource center with lots of great hints and tips for getting the most marketing oomph out of Facebook.  The Facebook Marketing Center is a treasure trove of information on getting the most from Facebook and has videos, white papers and articles, and social media blueprints covering how to maximize your reach on your timeline, how to use Facebook insights and other tracking features, and how to incorporate Facebook's new premium features into your marketing plan.   I was very impressed with all the material and resources available to you.

To give you a sampling of the quality of information there – here are some of Facebook's basic tips for getting the most out of your Facebook business timeline.  This information was in the section on using the new Result Generator — but the hints apply for any Facebook page.


  • Redesign your Page using the features from new Pages such as your cover photo and pinned posts to effectively express your brand identity. Post once per day. Make sure that your posts are limited to 90 characters, and that your profile image scales well from 180×180 to 32×32 pixels.  (The reason why you want your post to be under 90 characters is that is what shows up when they are shared — you can of course write longer posts – just realize that they won't all show above the fold).  Also, note that the profile image size has changed slightly – for most sites this won't matter – but it is worth checking our profile photo to see how it looks.
  • Use bold visuals. Grab your audience’s attention by using simple images with highly-saturated colors to stand out against the site’s white/blue background.
  • Photos and videos drive twice the  engagement. Engaging content is an effective way to drive more stories into news feed. Photos should be uploaded to a Facebook album for best quality and should not contain text overlays. (Make sure that in addition to posting videos to You Tube, they are also going to Facebook.

Have you checked out the FMC yet?  What tips did you find?  Please share.