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UBC-bannerbox200smallShhh…. want to know the secrets to building a big community and big list around your business? 

There are two.  One is freely giving of your content and wisdom to others.  The other is networking and collaborating with others.  The Ultimate Blog Challenge is a short cut to building your blog traffic quickly.  It's starting on April 1 and its free to participate  (So, sign up now).

Here are 5 Reasons Why You Should Take the Challenge

1.  You'll get more traffic for your blog.  Every time I undertake the blogging challenge – traffic to my site goes up.  Google loves consistency and the Blog Challenge is an amazing way to build that habit.

2. You'll get to be part of an amazing community of collaborators who read and share your posts.  Every time I take part in the challenge – I meet new people that become business partners and collaborators.

3. You'll write content that can be turned into other products I always say don't write anything that can't be used 10 times.  By blogging daily, you'll have plenty of material for teleseminars, videos, podcasts, you name it.

4. Writer's Block?  We'll send you daily writing ideas – so you don't have to worry about geting stuck.

5. Build your Social Media following  The Blog Challenge community exists on Twitter, Facebook, and even Pinterest.  So, as your content is being retweeted and shared by the community – your social media following will grow.

So, what's the challenge?  To write a post every day between April 1 and April 30.  The prize:  A huge sense of accomplishment, more traffic to your site and a bigger community.  (Note: even if you don't hit the goal of a post a day – we want you to join in the community and do your best!)

Sign up for the challenge today at http://ultimateblogchallenge.com.