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How To Use Twitter to Test Your Headlines

How To Use Twitter to Test Your Headlines

Finding exactly the right words is the key to getting people to open your e-mails, click on your links, and to share them.  One of the best ways to get people to open more of your communications over time is to keep testing and improving your headlines. You know me,...

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What is Relationship Marketing?

What is Relationship Marketing?

What brands do you love that are nailing relationship marketing? Maybe we need to start by looking at “What is relationship marketing.” I’ll tell you what it is not. It is not meeting me on Facebook and immediately asking me to buy something from you!!!!! How do you...

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Three Rookie Online Event Mistakes You Will Probably Make

Three Rookie Online Event Mistakes You Will Probably Make

Hosting an online event? Good for you! You’re in for an incredible experience. Not only that, but you’ll grow your list, make some money, show off your expertise, and even make some important connections with other coaches in your niche. But you can’t do any of that...

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What is Content Marketing?

What is Content Marketing?

When you think about content marketing, what is the first thing you think of? Blogging? Writing articles? What about visual content? I read a great article on HubSpot that expanded on the conversation about what content marketing really is. It had great statistics,...

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3 Social Media Mistakes That Cost You

3 Social Media Mistakes That Cost You

Are you trying to find your clients on social media? When my clients start to build their social media strategy one of the first things we talk about are the basics. We are going to talk about what I consider to be the three most important steps in setting up your...

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Customer Experience, The Wow Factor

Customer Experience, The Wow Factor

Tony Hsieh said “I’d rather spend money on things that improve the customer experience, than on marketing.” That’s quite a statement. What is the experience that you want your customers to have? Are you WOWing them? In today’s video, I am going to take you with me on...

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How to Make Money With a Free Event

How to Make Money With a Free Event

Since starting Decisive Minds, I have hosted or participated in over 350 free events. A free event can take many forms; webinars, virtual summits, radio shows, live streams, podcasts, Facebook Lives and much more. Let’s look at some of my ninja moves because I have...

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