Quantum Pixel Tag

Welcome to the end of week 2 of the Ultimate Blog Challenge.  This is the week that separates the REAL bloggers from the wannabes…  Usually, the blog posts drop of significantly this week as life gets in the way.  If you fall into that category, don't worry, you still have 2 weeks to catch up 🙂

Does Your Business Card Measure Up?

This past week, I've been busy getting ready for my Extreme Income Explosion conference in Salt Lake City.  When I think of conferences, I start thinking about business cards.  I love looking at the different ways people approach representing their business.  Does your business card represent you? EOSgrafix has created a great infographic about business cards.  The infographic covers different fonts, colors and materials (USB business card, anyone?)

Editing Is A Necessary Evil

Yesterday, I wrote about how your blog should represent you.  I can't think of a better example of a blog with lots of the owner's personality that Amberisme.  I read the blog and I feel like I know Amber (right down to the awesome frog in the header).   This week, as a wrap up to her series on blogging, Amber shares some great tools for editing your blog posts.

Conversation Starter – Do You Feel Like People Take You Less Seriously Because You Work from Home?

Debra Jason of the Write Direction hit on a bit of a nerve with her post about working from home.  I'm sure all of us  who work from home have experienced the “eye rolls” or the middle of the day phone calls from friends and family during your work hours.  Hop over to Debra's blog, comment about your experiences.

Thoughts About Time

I've been especially time crunched the past few weeks going to conferences and planning one of my own.  Lee Wise's post Speaking of Time had some excellent thoughts and readings that helped me put my busy-ness is perspective.  I am bookmarking the page to go to again the next time I feel overwhelmed.

A Day in the Life of #blogboost

Finally,  the fabulous Michelle Shaeffer put together an infographic on the life of a #hashtag.  Read this if you want to learn more about how to use the #blogboost tag to get more readers to your posts.

That's it for this week. Keep writing.