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It is that time of year when we give thanks for the things we have in our life.  I have a daily practice of listing the things I am thankful for.  It usually goes something like this ” I am thankful for my wonderful kids, husband and family, a happy life and a wonderful business.” But there are so many reasons to give thanks and I decided to see how many I could list.

#1 – My amazing husband J.E.  His name on my cell phone is “Love of my Life”

#2 – My daughter Allyson.  She is my mini-me!

#3 – My son Bryan.  He gives the best hugs (and can rock a drum set).

#4 – My mom and dad.  They are the reason I am!

#5 – My grandmothers.  They both turned 90 this year and still love to go to the casinos.

#6 – My sister Brandy.  She is the newest member of my team and is absolutely beautiful.

#7 – My brother Trent.  He is an inspiration to me as a business owner and a loving caring father of 6.

#8 – The rest of my family.  I have over 100 aunts, uncles, 1st cousins and their kids.

#9 – My O.B.M. Meredith.  She is the person who reminds me that I am here for a bigger purpose – she is completely committed to the vision and I can't imagine what this journey would have been like without her.

#10 – The rest of the team – Renee, Dortha, Desiree, Jena, Colleen and the many others that are supporting them.  I am truly blessed.

#11 – Social Media.  Who would have known 3 years ago that social media would have given this shy girl a platform to build a 6 figure business with clients in 6 different countries.

#12 – Gold Rush – My husband and I watch Gold Rush together every Friday night and during the off season we talk about what might be going on in Alaska right then.

#13 – Dancing – My favorite hobby of all times.  Especially country western couples dancing – love the sport and the competition!

#14 – Smart Phones – They have changed life as we know it!

#15 – My business mentors – Officially Adam Urbanski, Suzanne Evans and Jane Deuber.  I have learned from them, laughed with them and grown because of them.

#16 – Drag Racing – Hey I can't help it, I love the speed and the fact that we have a winner within seconds.

#17 – Nascar – OK I have to admit it took me a while to get into this one but now I am a proud member of the Jr. Nation!

#18 – Chocolate – These are not in any particular order or this one would have beat out my kids and husband.

#19 – Timers – I have ADD and I can force myself to focus for 18 to 20 minutes at a time.

#20 – Traveling – I have been to the most amazing places this year and have seen beautiful parts of the US and Canada.

#21 – My Cadillac SRX – Man it handles well, drives fast and I have really enjoyed every one of the 25,000 miles I put on it this year.

#22 – My red wallet.  I had a Feng Shui lady tell me about a year ago that if I had a red wallet I would always have money in it and boy does it work.  I used to never have money in my wallet but now I always have money in my wallet.

#23 – Laughing.  There is nothing better than a great laugh with my hubbie, my daughter, my mom, my sister, my friends or my clients!

#24 – The Big Bang Theory –  I love sitcoms and this is one of my favorites.

#25 – Teleseminars –  If you want to create expert status quickly there is not a better tool than teleseminars.

#26 – Blogging – One of the most versatile and forgiving forms of communication!  We are not looking for perfection – we are adding value.

#27 – The exclamation mark – OK I have a secret love affair with the exclamation mark.  I love to use it – LOL

#28 – Sudoku – My grandmother (who is 90) told me to keep my mind sharp I should always play games that use my brain.  Of course that doesn't mean we can't go spend a little time in front of a slot machine sometimes.

#29 – Crawfish Etoufee – YUMMY

#30 – Steamboat Bills – You will find me and my hubby there every Saturday night that I am in town.

#31 – My Momma's rice dressing – This makes the YUMMY list too

#32 – My Grandma's shrimp gumbo – I just couldn't leave it off.  Some of my best memories are of the Mere Christmas party and my whole family eating gumbo out of these giant pots (because there were so many of us).

#33 – My smile – It has gotten me out of many a pickle (in combination with these dimples).

#34 – Freedom – I am so blessed to have the freedom to go where I want, when I want, say what I want and pretty much do what I want.

#35 – The Golden Girls – I have watched every day for the last 25+ years.  I feel like they are my family.

#36 – WordPress – Even as technologically challenged as I am I can easily figure this one out.

#37 – WordPress SEO by Yoast – my favorite WordPress app

#38 – Mary Kay – What I learned about human nature as a Mary Kay Sales Director has changed my life

#39 – Infusionsoft – This was an all in decision in November of 2009 and boy am I glad I made it.

#40 – Rolling Suitcases – My back thanks  you.

#41 – Oprah – Such an inspiration

#42 – Maya Angelou for giving me my favorite quote – “When you get give. When you learn teach.”

#43 – Air Conditioning – Living in southern Louisiana I probably should move this one up to the top of the list (but not before chocolate)

#44 – My Close Personal Friends – You are always there with open arms whether I need to laugh or cry and never in judgement.

#45 – My Personal Trainer – OK Melissa, you made the list.

#46 – You – You know who you are.  You are amazing and I am blessed to have met you through my blog and social media or maybe I was lucky enough to spend time with you in person at an event.

#47 – Red Cardinals – I work in front of a huge window that looks out into my front yard.  When I have moments of doubt or wonder if I am doing the right thing a red cardinal will show up and watch me through the window.  I know that's Gods way of telling me I am on the right track.

#48 – Today and every day that I get to be on this beautiful planet.

#49 – To Work For Myself – I have the best boss in the world (although she can be a real slave driver)

#50 – My Clients – I saved you for last because I wanted to have the most room to tell you how thankful I am for each and everyone of you.  You hold a special place in my heart.  I know that I would not be the person I am or have the business I have without you.  More than that though, I tell you often that I feel like the proud mama.   I watch as you are growing your businesses and taking the scary steps.  You are daring to believe that you can make a difference in your family and in this world.

As we come to the end of 2012 I want you to know that I can't wait to see what 2013 has in store for you.  I know it will be an amazing year and I feel blessed that I get to be a part of it with you.

Now it is your turn – leave a comment below and tell me what are you thankful for!