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emailYour e-mail list is your biggest business asset.  It so important that often list size is the first thing people ask when deciding who to partner and joint venture with.  In fact, if disaster hit my business tomorrow and I had to start over from scratch, I could get my business going again in a few weeks if I had my customer mailing list.

Your list is the gold of your business.  And, unfortunately, in the beginning it is hard to get your list growing.   You work very hard for very little return.  The good news is that once your list reaches a certain size (about 3,000), it starts to have momentum of its own.

Here are 3 key ways to grow your mailing list quickly.

1.  Offer a Bribe.

This is tried and true.  Offer something of value in exchange for an e-mail address.  Don’t be afraid to offer something really valuable and useful.  Even if you give away your deepest trade secret – prospects will still want to work with you personally to  have you customize your method for their business.  If you provide something that knocks their socks off for free – they will be excited to purchase your paid products.

2.  Interview and Be Interviewed

One of the quickest ways to build your lists is to interview other people (and to have them interview you).  That way, you get introduced to someone else’s list – and they get introduced to your list.  The bonus is that you become known as an expert plus you get material for putting together a product.  When you are interviewed, offer a bonus product for your audience in exchange for opting in to your list.

3.  Provide excellent content

I know that I’m starting to sound like a broken record. LOL!  But, creating interesting content that your audience needs to know is key to them giving you their e-mail address and asking for more.  Eventually, you want to have 3-4  different reports that you can offer at the bottom of your posts, or link to via social media or article marketing to give your prospects more information.  If the content is good, it will be shared with more people who will opt in for more information.

Would you like more help developing a traffic-getting strategy for your business? Schedule a strategy session with me (I have a few openings left – the sessions are by application only).  Click here to apply.