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Coaches: My Secret to Building Know, Like and Trust

Coaches: My Secret to Building Know, Like and Trust

The golden rule of building a coaching business. People do business with people they know, like and trust. This is especially true for coaches. After all, would you really want to rely on someone you barely know, don’t like and don’t trust to be a partner in your...

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Top 7 Daily Money Making Must Dos

Top 7 Daily Money Making Must Dos

This month is the month of BIG Goals and BIG resolutions.  I actually think that once a year big goal setting is a bunch of B.S.  Much more effective is doing the right things *every day*.  That is the way you make progress. In my book, Take the Risks or Get A Job I...

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Video Podcast:  Where To Spend Your Marketing Time and Money in 2016

Video Podcast: Measurements – How Do I Use Them?

In the last video, I talked about the numbers I track in my business. In this video I look at the particular metrics you want to be tracking, with a special emphasis on building your community. I show you how to set goals for growing your numbers; about the importance...

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Do You Have to HAVE Money to MAKE Money?

Do You Have to HAVE Money to MAKE Money?

The short answer is, “No.”  You can effectively launch a coaching business  online without a single dime.  All you need is a computer and an internet connection, which does cost money, but we’re assuming you have those two components...

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Video Podcast:  Where To Spend Your Marketing Time and Money in 2016

Video Podcast: Tracking Numbers to Build Your Business

In this video Michele outlines what numbers she tracks in her business. Every Monday her team provides her with a spreadsheet of tracking numbers so she can see if she is getting the numbers she needs to make her business work. See what numbers are important to track...

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Can You Grow Your Business By Making It Smaller?

Can You Grow Your Business By Making It Smaller?

Have you ever talked on the phone with someone who isn’t really there?

You get the sense that they are checking Facebook or their email and not fully listening to what you have to say. When my coaching clients do this during a phone call, it annoys me. They are wasting time and money—everyone’s time and their hard-earned money.

While it seems more efficient to multi-task, in reality, it is bad for your relationships and even worse for your business.

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My Regret Busting Plan for 2016

My Regret Busting Plan for 2016

What do you regret doing (or NOT doing) this last year?  Is there something you really wanted to do or have happen in 2015 - that hasn’t happened yet? If you are a coach, my guess is that there are a lot of things you wanted to do but just didn’t get to this year.  As...

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Decisive Business Planner - Michele Scism
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