Are You Ready?
Ever wonder how those people who "appear" of of nowhere or hit it out of the park on the first swing do it? Does is seem unfair that you've been putting your nose to the grindstone and working VERY hard, but you aren't getting anywhere? Do you wonder why is it that...

Video Podcast: Finding The Perfect Client With Client Mapping
Video Podcast: Finding The Perfect Client With Client Mapping ""Results Lady", Michele Scism - Business Coach and Business Strategist from https://decisiveminds.com today talks about how to find out where your ideal clients are coming from - and how to get more of...

TAGP Radio: Guests are Dianne Collins & Michael Jacobs
Michele is excited to be interviewing Dianne Collins & Michael Jacobs about Quantum Thinking & Manifestation Miracles at 2pm Central.

Video Podcast: Small Business Saturday Finalist – Jacqueline Wright
Recently Michele decided to have a contest and have people submit a video of their best marketing tips and strategies – things they were using in their business to get noticed and attract new clients. She thought you would like to see some of them so here is the second video from one of our three finalists, Jacqueline Wright.

Video Podcast: Are Your Teleseminar Results Disappointing?
Have you ever put on a teleseminar or webinar hoping to put a whole bunch of new people into a program, and you end up disappointed? Today she walks you through how the numbers work –

TAGP Radio: Guests are Kathleen Gage & Kelly Chisholm
Take Action Get Profits - Power Up For Profits & Learn About Couples In Business Michele is excited to be interviewing Kathleen Gage & Kelly Chicas about how to "Power Up For Profits & Learn About...

5th Anniversary of Decisive Minds
The morning of Monday January 11th, 2010 was one of those life changing mornings. You know those moments where life is never the same again. I had spent most of 2009 trying to...

Video Podcast: Using Surveys as a Market Research Tool
Video Podcast: Using Surveys as a Market Research Tool "Results Lady", Michele Scism - Business Coach and Business Strategist from https://decisiveminds.com today talks about using surveys in your business - how to really connect with someone in a way that is going to...

If you are brave enough to do this – you will make more money in 2015
Ah... January. A New Year, a new outlook, a clean slate. Anything is possible. This is the time of year for resolutions. And, I have to tell you that your normal, garden-variety resolutions (i.e. Lose Weight, Make More Money) don't work. According to Forbes 92% of...

TAGP Radio: Guests are Chris M. Sprague & Carl Scott
Chris M. Sprague & Carl Scott will be Michele's Guests today. They will be discussing “Transformation and Empowerment & Financial Freedom” at 2pm Central. You can call in live or catch a show recording here.