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Small Business Funding Tips

Small Business Funding Tips

Even if your business is relatively small, or you’re just starting out, there’s a good chance that you’re going to need money to grow beyond the income you’re currently making from that business. You might want to launch a major upgrade of your website, you might want...

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Why Isn’t Your Business Website Making Money?

Why Isn’t Your Business Website Making Money?

It doesn’t matter what kind of business you have, what products or services you sell, how big your company is or how long you’ve been operating. The point of having a business is to make money. And chances are, one of your most important sales channels (and possibly...

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5 Tricks for Using Keywords In Your Blog Posts

5 Tricks for Using Keywords In Your Blog Posts

Using keywords in your blog posts is one way to make sure that your audience sees your posts. I know there is a lot of confusion about keywords (and many people who will charge you a lot of money to find them for you).

Quite simply, keywords are just the words that people type into Google or their search engine of choice to find you. One of the best ways to find keywords (besides using the google keyword tool) is to join forums and facebook groups with your ideal clients — take note of the words they use to describe their problems. Those are likely to be excellent keywords for you.

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Small Business Bookkeeping: Fact vs. Fiction

Small Business Bookkeeping: Fact vs. Fiction

Owning a small business means that you, as the owner, wear many hats. You need to know about technology, marketing, sales, systems, and you need to know about money and finance. That doesn’t mean you have to be the expert in every area or that you have to do every...

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7 Tips for Easily Writing a Book

7 Tips for Easily Writing a Book

Just write a book, they say. Easy for them, right? You sit down at the computer to write and your mind goes blank, or maybe your thoughts are just so busy that you feel like there’s no direction. Writing a book is a powerfully effective way to grow your business. It...

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Small Business Banking Mistakes to Avoid

Small Business Banking Mistakes to Avoid

Opening a business bank account is easy, right? You just head to your favorite bank, sit down with a representative, and start an account. Plus many banks allow you to open an account online, so you can do it from the comfort of your couch. Unfortunately, small...

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The Best Social Media Content

The Best Social Media Content

Maybe you’re one of those people who think “luck” is the key to success with social media. Unfortunately, this is a common belief, when, in fact, “luck” has nothing to do with it. If you want to get the best return on investment, it makes sense to embrace best...

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5 Tips for Starting an Online Business

5 Tips for Starting an Online Business

Ready to start your own business, but not sure how or where to begin? You are not alone. I meet many hopeful entrepreneurs on a daily basis. They know they want to start a business, but that’s literally all they know. So what do I tell them? Get started! Easier said...

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The Six Rules for Success as an Entrepreneur

The Six Rules for Success as an Entrepreneur

You've asked me over and over what the rules are for success as an entrepreneur.  As a serial entrepreneur, I've given a lot of thought to what makes a business successful.  I've come up with my super six rules for success as an entrepreneur. The Six Rules for Success...

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Email Marketing List Building - Michele Scism
CoSchedule - The #1 Marketing Calendar
Decisive Business Planner - Michele Scism
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