Video Podcast: Planning For Profit
In this episode, I talk about the importance of planning, using a one-day event as an example. A lot of people make the mistake of not planning for the profit aspect of their launch, or event, or whatever it is. I provide a simple 3-step system for making sure that the profitability of the event is built into the planning from the start.

What Affiliate Partners Need to Promote Your Coaching Practice
Want to grow your business quickly? Affiliate or partnership marketing can help you do that. Here are my best tips for getting partners or affiliates to promote your product or service.

Video Podcast: How To Build Your List With Joint Ventures
Create joint ventures to help grow your business.

Video Podcast: How To Create a Webinar That Converts
Stop wasting your time on webinars that don't sell. In this video, I will show you how a few simple tweaks to your overall webinar process can make a big difference in your bottom line.

Video Podcast: How to Get More Email Subscribers from Your Blog
Are you blogging all the time but nobody is reading what you write? Imagine what it would be like to have new leads signing up daily for your email list, just from your blog posts.
This video will show you how to create a blog that gets read, and builds your email list.
In the video, I show you you a technique called “content upgrade” for getting opt-ins from the blog. Here's a checklist on how to get that done.

How Jena Filled Her High End Coaching Program in One Weekend
Want to know what it really takes to fill a high-end coaching program? Read this story of how I worked with my client Jena Rodriguez to create a year-long marketing plan to help her bring in over six figures in a a weekend by filling her high end coaching program.

Video Podcast: How to Create An Effective Newsletter
I have had so many questions about how to create effective newsletters – a newsletter that gets opened – a newsletter that actually accomplishes something!
This video will show you how to create a newsletter that works. So in this video I discuss 4 reasons why you would have a newsletter, followed by the things you need to do to make them effective in your busine

5 Ways to Track Your Email Marketing Metrics
How do you know if your email marketing is successful? Here are 5 metrics to track your success.

The 7 Biggest Mistakes Coaches Make with Their Email Newsletter
Are you sending out a newsletter? If you are, is it a regular thing, or more of a sporadic (an email that gets sent sporadically instead of on a regular schedule?). If you aren't connecting with your clients and prospects regularly you are missing out. According to a...

The 10 Ways You Are Killing Your Business With Email
I am often surprised to see how many people count growing their social media footprint, rather than their email numbers as growing their list. I really wish it were that easy, but the truth is that e-mail lists and e-mail marketing are still important. Building your...